Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Magazine Cover: Key Features

I have created the image below to show a magazine and the main features of the cover.
Masthead: The title of the magazine, usually accompanied with a logo.
Main Image: A picture of the subject of the main article in the magazine.
Subhead: A quote or information about the main article.
Price: The amount of money the magazine is.
Date Line: The date the magazine was released. It can be a full date or just a month depending on how often the magazine is published.
Sell Lines: Smaller articles which capture attention and draw the audience in.
Main Sell Point: Builds the image of the magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica

    You have identified the key features of a magazine cover, and have defined each of these. Your descriptions are somewhat brief however, I would look to add more detail in future.

