Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Evaluation 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The title of the magazine “SHADE”, shown in photo 1, uses the typical conventions real media products. The use of one word is simplistic and easy to remember, similar to most magazines. The placement is typical in western cultures as people who read the magazines read from left to right; therefore it is placed in the top left corner. Having it placed there will allow it to be identified easily as it the first thing the reader would see. The mise-en-scene uses some elements of the typical media products but also challenges them. Photo 2 and 3 shows my front cover which contains elements of mise-en-scene such as having the image centred and having a lack of props and extravagant costume. These elements will entice the reader while not overwhelming them with too much visual imagery. However, it also goes against the usual conventions by having the image in black and white and making sure the model wasn’t looking at the camera. Usually magazines have their text unique and different depending on what it is being used for, so i went against this convention. Instead of using a unique text i used, shown in photo 4, is very similar to the masthead which shows continuity. However, it is also obvious when the text is different by using several colours that one colour is more important than the other. In picture 5, the written article is shown which has a mostly formal feel to make it appear professional, similar to other magazines of the genre. My magazine follows the trend of covering the indie genre as well as some of mainstream culture, which combines elements of different magazine types. The coverage inside the magazine varies to allow a larger audience as there are potential articles about underground, alternative and mainstream music. The layout of my magazine is simple and follows the usual conventions such as having the subheads and sell lines frame my image on the front cover. The contents page also follows the conventions such as using an equal amount of images to make it appear neat. It also has the content box on the right of the page and has a subscription box close to it, therefore the reader will see it and be tempted to use the subscription service.

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